
The Complete Document Management Solution


G2 Speech strives to set the highest standards of excellence and professionalism in speech recognition and workflow management technology. We understand the challenges throughout the correspondence process that healthcare professionals face and we constantly develop and evolve our products around these specified needs.

Let us help you streamline your correspondence with the use of SpeechReport.

SpeechReport offers a whole host of benefits to easily generate documents and reports. The software empowers and enables professionals to create, correct and manage all documentation using speech recognition technology. Ensuring that processes are streamlined and clinical correspondence is at peak productivity

  • validation 98% recognition accuracy after just 8-10 hours of usage
  • validation Medical, legal and professional dictionaries to suit all specialties
  • validation Templates adaptable and specific to your organisation
  • validation Simple to insert frequently used texts with one single voice command
  • validation Patient/client history and previous dictations are readily available
  • validation Practical work list for both the author and secretary
  • validation Administrative staff have the ability to create standard letters on behalf of the author (where appropriate)
  • validation Document handling is fully automated
  • validation Experience with over 100 integrations with HIS, RIS, PACS, PAS and EPR.
  • validation
  • validation
SpeechReport, enterprise speech recognition engine | G2 Speech



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