How users can benefit from e-Learning

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Posted 18th March 2020 by Eve Muller

The healthcare sector is fast moving and time is precious, so it is crucial to stay up to date with the latest technologies and ways of learning. One of the more recent forms of learning that is becoming more popular is e-Learning.

e-Learning can be defined as using technology such as desktops, laptops mobile phones and tablets that are networked to extend and improve learning. It has been around since the end of the 90’s when the use of technology has become more readily available since the cost of devices has reduced and networks have improved. Today, it’s possible to learn away from your desk and doesn’t always have to take place in a classroom setting with the development of e-Learning.

With lifestyles getting more complex, I’m sure I’m not alone saying it is difficult to balance the challenges of work, family life, kids after school activities and taxiing offspring. e-Learning enables us to learn on the go, on a train or a bus thanks to mobile devices. Even whilst waiting for your child to complete their sports training, it’s an ideal opportunity to squeeze in some e-Learning, making productive use of your time when you have these pockets that are not quite long enough to spend quality time with your family.

e-Leaning offers something for everyone and can address different learning styles. There is no right or wrong answer to what is the best style of learning. Visual learners prefer the use of pictures and images whilst auditory learners prefer to listen to words, sounds or music. Some learners prefer to read information and then find it helpful to write it down to help retain information. Kinesthetic learners have a preference of using their hands and sense of touch to learn. e-Learning can provide all these in one package.

Having recently completed some e-Learning training myself, I can confirm it to be a fun and varied way of learning, and can incorporate all the above learning styles. The course contained audio and visual video clips, written information to digest, practical demonstrations and exercises to complete. It also contained fun quizzes to check on my learning so far with drag and drop questions and answers.

Other benefits of e-Leaning include:

  1. Cost savings – initially it may appear to be costly to organisations but it can defiantly save money further down the line by eliminating expenses such as travel and venue hire

2. Consistent learning is available to all – e-Learning can reach a far wider audience with the increase of remote working and can deliver a standardised content, in the same way to all employees whilst allowing them some choice of which areas to focus on

3. Allowing personalisation so users are able to access what information they want as many times as they require allowing them to learn at their own speed

4. Reduces the amount of time taken to learn as users can focus on areas they wish to work on and not be held back by a class or waiting for others

5. Access updated information – e-Learning can be updated regularly and easily, eliminating the need for costly reprints of course material

6. Readily available for users to access, day or night, ideal for healthcare workers working shifts.

In conclusion, e-Learning is a popular choice for training, particularly in fast moving environments such as the healthcare sector where time has many pressures and technology is being used more and more. e-Learning offers a convenient addition to classroom learning, that can be accessed at any time of the day and night and at any location (if you have a mobile device). It can incorporate many learning formats, address all learning styles and reach a large number of people.

Go on, give it a try!

If you’d like to hear more about our e-Learning training package contact us today: or call +44 (0)208 555 9041.



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